Community Sessions

Other Evaluation Initiatives

The speakers for the Other Evaluation Initiatives session are:

MediaEval in 2013
Gareth Jones, Dublin City Unversity, Ireland

The MediaEval benchmarking initiative is dedicated to evaluating new algorithms for multimedia access and retrieval. It emphasizes the 'multi' in multimedia and focuses on human and social aspects of multimedia tasks. MediaEval attracts participants who are interested in multimodal approaches to multimedia involving, e.g., speech recognition, multimedia content analysis, user-contributed information (tags, tweets), viewer affective response, social networks, temporal and geo-coordinates. MediaEval 2013 features a range of evaluation tasks exploring all of these dimensions of multimedia search. This presentation will briefly review the tasks at MediaEval 2013, and the overall task and community management strategies of the MediaEval initiative.

What is happening at NTCIR - Summary of NTCIR-10 and Plans for NTCIR-11
Noriko Kando, NIIC, Japan

This talk provides a quick overview of the achievements of NTCIR, an evaluation workshop series aiming to enhance the reearch in information access technologies by providing large-scale infrastructure of the experiments and the forum of researchers. It has run in 18-month-cycle and has mainly used East Asian Lanauges and English, but attracted interanational participation. NTCIR-10, which Conference was on June 19-21, 2013, Tokyo, hosted 6 tasks - CrossLink, Intent, 1Click, PatentMT, RITE, and SpokenDoc, and 2 pilot tasks - Math and MedNLP. In NTCIR-11, some are extention from the tasks at NTCIR-10, and some are new, there will be IMine, Math, MedNLP, MobileClick, RITE Val, SpokenQuery & Doc, QA Lab and Temporalia (Temporal Information Access), and its registration will be open until the end of 2013 and the conference is in December 2014. Finally some thoughts on future direction will be provided.

New Directions in FIRE
Prasenjit Majumder, DAIICT, India

The 5th installment of FIRE will be at Delhi during 4th-6th December 2013. There are 7 tracks this time. FIRE data is getting accepted in the community. New collaborations started. This talk will outline these new directions.